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Mental Health Career Academy

During Mental Health Awareness Month 2019, I created and facilitated a Mental Health Career Pathway. This pathway sought to address the following goals:

  1. To expose young adults, especially underrepresented groups, to the mental health career field

  2. Reduce mental health stigma within San Diego community.

  3. Build awareness about mental health issues in the San Diego community.

  4. Build capacity among young adults to address and support mental wellness.


We were able to accomplish the following:




Overall Insight:

  1. Youth said it was a course they didn't know they needed.

  2. Helped them build empathy and feel more empowered in supporting their communities.

  3. Youth gained resources that they did not know existed.

  4. All graduating youth offered a position in the Access Executive Coaching Program.

  5. Youth wanted pathway to be longer and go more in depth on topics.

Preliminary Report Mental Health Pathway
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Next Steps

This program and final outcomes will be presented in January 2020 at The California Workforce Association (CWA) Youth@Work Conference under the following description:


Title: Mental Health is Public Wealth

Description: Session will explore how  a five week Mental Health Career Pathway at Access Youth & Immigration Services for at-risk youth, leveraging  15 community partners, transformed student workforce retention issues, mental health, and complex trauma. Through a dynamic curriculum, youth went from students to community advocates prepared to enter all sectors of employment as innovative, resilient,  and resourceful employees. 

This pathway has since developed as a best practice model that will be implemented across the        San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Juvenile Court & Community Schools (JCCS) and other community based organizations.

CareNote Presents

Access Youth & Immigration Projects

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